Hard Drive Sanitisation

I often get asked the best way to securely erase a disk or what to use to ensure that a disk has been sanitised to DoD 5220-22-M. A reasonable way to achieve this would be: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s2 bs=10k or dd if=/dev/arandom of=/dev/r#d#c bs=10k This will ensure that random (not completely random, but good enough) …

ownCloud 4.5 Installed

With the whole Google Reader issue (not that I am a user), I got think – some of the facilities that I use on the internet could be taken away, without notice or have an ability to extract my data out of the applications. It was time that I took some things seriously and roll …

Tubsta house finally goes solar

The time was right to finally go with a solar array on the Tubsta household.  Prices have come down significantly and with NSW turning the tap off on their very lucrative feed-in tariffs (FITs), the market was awash with heavily discounted, high quality gear.

OpenBSD 5.2 pre-orders are up

The OpenBSD project has announced that pre-orders for the up coming 5.2 release of the operating system are now on-line.  The release is due to hit shelves and mirrors on 1 November, 2012. The inexpensive 3-CD sets of OpenBSD 5.2 are $50CDN, Posters $2oCDN and T-Shirts $25CDN.  While you are there, you can also make …